a brief note to this journal is addressed as follows:
to humanity today, i have heard humans in this time frame, in connection to the holy spirit of christianity's word to humanity located in 2nd peter 3; 7 in this life actually boast that humans today are way better then a biblical man named samuel due unto the fact that 1st samuel 15; 3-33 is written in alignment unto 2nd timothy 3; 1-9.
music click-
hence, on that note addressed, i now state the following for clarity unto that statement addressed..
which is simply only this: regarding the preceding statement addressed, and it's concepts in logic so, humans in today's age- must be aware of the fact that 1st samuel 15: 3-33 is factual in this life 'due unto the fact that' many prior created beings 'in prior existences' dishonored God unforgivably in alignment to that which is addressed by christianity in fact in psalm 1; 1-6 or matthew 12: 24-37.
o my.
in ways that thoroughly disgraced the holy spirit of christianity in fact. thoroughly.
in previous existences.
both male prior created humans as well as female prior created humans are applied to that statement addressed for the majority.. in fact. in connection to matthew 7; 13-14 . or revelation 17: 8-11 for example.
not all beings dishonored God in previous existences. why do humans think numbers 12 is written for example?
why do humans think elijah called down fire from heaven which consumed other humans in this life, too?
their are other examples of such a concept addressed in this life.
moses and elijah are not the only two beings who honored God in prior existences. their are others on various levels.
such as what is addressed in genesis 5; 24 or ezekiel 14; 14 for example.
yet such beings are far and inbetween in each generation in this existence, in fact.
which is a matter explained elsewhere in appropriate detail upon this website.
yet for the record, most prior created humans dishonored God callously on numerous ridiculous levels in previous created existences.
yes 'for the sake of record, most prior created humans did dishonor God in previous existences.
even various saints in this life, dishonored god in prior existences. which is why romans 3; 23 connected to revelation 14: 4 is written likewise.
regarding the blood and martydom of various christian saints in this life.
this is a matter which is also explained in appropriate detail elsewhere upon this website.
yet it is a matter which is explained in far more sacred terms for all beings to understand in 3 thesis'es i address in written form.
regarding 3 thesis'es i refer to upon this website. a key for this era of humanity, regarding life, in christ, in full, if their ever was one, in fact.
that is of a certainty in full.
i explain that elsewhere in appropriate detail upon this website.
yet, despite the fact that i explain that in appropriate detail, perfectly in fact elsewhere upon this website humans in this life have so far deigned to idiotically ignore that function of this life.
which indicates a spirit which is most unsincre in humans in this time frame of this existence.
yet humans today dare to think that they are as righteous as a biblical man named samuel.
that's a good one. thats funny.
humans today obviously are clearly that lacking in sincerity towards God's laws in every way yet humans today actually dare to say that they are better then a biblical man named samuel in this life in righteousness. simply because samuel righteously ridded the world of deviant shit technically speaking.
regarding the works of deviants in samuel's day
regarding beings who mocked God's laws on all counts in this life in fact.
o my.
so, on that note addressed humanity, presently in this time frame of this existence should note in all practicality as well as sincerity that jeremiah 29; 13 aligns with psalm 1 for a reason.
o my. yes.
this is truth. o yes.
which is why, without appropriate sincerity applied by most humans to God in this life- ephesians 1; 4 or jude 1; 4 are written as well as applicable to mankind in this life..
most humans mock God's laws addressed in psalm 1 with smiles in their faces.
which, unfortunately, is why jeremiah 48; 10, matthew 24; 51, matthew 5; 17-20, deuteronomy 28: 58-59, psalm 50: 22, 1st corinthians 5: 5, psalm 149: 5-9, as well as romans 12; 1 are written for most of humanity in this life.
the preceding note was addressed for the sake of truth. unfortunately truth is harsh in this life. yet, truth is not really harsh.
or 'rather, truth does not have to be harsh in this life.
regarding imbeciles in this life who 'for no righteous reason, confuse the real ramifications of truth, in this life.
rebellious humans, who mock God's simple laws are the ones who are truly harsh.
albeit truth is not truly harsh, if a human is sincre to truth or righteousness in this life. or any life in fact.
try telling that to a rebellious two faced hypocritical deliberately idiotic human though.
chances are, a sincere being , who does that, will get no where.
absolutely no where in fact.
a sincere being who truly honors God's laws in this life, would have better luck trying to reason with a brick wall.
as jesus states in matthew 15; 1-14
thank you very much.
the preceding was addressed, just for the sake of appropriate record.
aw yes. in connection unto
mattthew 12: 37, luke 12: 1-3, jeremiah 29; 13-14, luke 6: 26, matthew 10: 14, john `12: 25, as well as psalm 37; 30-31, whole heartedly in fact. in truth.
judgment day approaches for all asswiping lying freaks in this life real soon.
o my. this is true.
in connection to jeremiah 23: 20.
or isiah 56: 1-7. or romans 2: 9-10.
for romans 11: 25 is only applied to the final generation of men in this life and even that lineage of hebrews do not, technically' match a saint.
in alignment to a connection of 2nd esdras 13, 2nd peter 3: 7 or romans 11: 25.
yet those hebrews are assigned that placement for a reason, regarding the works of all prior created mortals, in that which relates to prior created existences explained in detail upon this website- which israel's final prophet will relate in simple terms to humanity.
after c4q97 commences.
as i have said in a variety of places.
i am israel's second last major vaticinator. i fulfill c2q28.
i am not israel's final major vaticinator.
or so sayeth the facts of everything incorporeal, psychological or molecular, in this life. so, if facts matter, or if facts are relevent to truth then the words i presently express or scriven are correct.
entirely in fact.
in full.
and also, on the preceding subject addressed, when i say 'major,
that is what i mean. -major prophet. not minor. a major prophet may supercede a minor christian israeli prophets words at times in this life. due to various issues in this life. in connection to zechariah 13 or 14 or jonah -4 for example..
regarding this existence.
to the reader-
i now continue with further neccacary functions of this website. in full..


a brief note to this journal is addressed as follows:
to humanity today, i have heard humans in this time frame, in connection to the holy spirit of christianity's word to humanity located in 2nd peter 3; 7 in this life actually boast that humans today are way better then a biblical man named samuel due unto the fact that 1st samuel 15; 3-33 is written in alignment unto 2nd timothy 3; 1-9.
music click-
hence, on that note addressed, i now state the following for clarity unto that statement addressed..
which is simply only this: regarding the preceding statement addressed, and it's concepts in logic so, humans in today's age- must be aware of the fact that 1st samuel 15: 3-33 is factual in this life 'due unto the fact that' many prior created beings 'in prior existences' dishonored God unforgivably in alignment to that which is addressed by christianity in fact in psalm 1; 1-6 or matthew 12: 24-37.
o my.
in ways that thoroughly disgraced the holy spirit of christianity in fact. thoroughly.
in previous existences.
both male prior created humans as well as female prior created humans are applied to that statement addressed for the majority.. in fact. in connection to matthew 7; 13-14 . or revelation 17: 8-11 for example.
not all beings dishonored God in previous existences. why do humans think numbers 12 is written for example?
why do humans think elijah called down fire from heaven which consumed other humans in this life, too?
their are other examples of such a concept addressed in this life.
moses and elijah are not the only two beings who honored God in prior existences. their are others on various levels.
such as what is addressed in genesis 5; 24 or ezekiel 14; 14 for example.
yet such beings are far and inbetween in each generation in this existence, in fact.
which is a matter explained elsewhere in appropriate detail upon this website.
yet for the record, most prior created humans dishonored God callously on numerous ridiculous levels in previous created existences.
yes 'for the sake of record, most prior created humans did dishonor God in previous existences.
even various saints in this life, dishonored god in prior existences. which is why romans 3; 23 connected to revelation 14: 4 is written likewise.
regarding the blood and martydom of various christian saints in this life.
this is a matter which is also explained in appropriate detail elsewhere upon this website.
yet it is a matter which is explained in far more sacred terms for all beings to understand in 3 thesis'es i address in written form.
regarding 3 thesis'es i refer to upon this website. a key for this era of humanity, regarding life, in christ, in full, if their ever was one, in fact.
that is of a certainty in full.
i explain that elsewhere in appropriate detail upon this website.
yet, despite the fact that i explain that in appropriate detail, perfectly in fact elsewhere upon this website humans in this life have so far deigned to idiotically ignore that function of this life.
which indicates a spirit which is most unsincre in humans in this time frame of this existence.
yet humans today dare to think that they are as righteous as a biblical man named samuel.
that's a good one. thats funny.
humans today obviously are clearly that lacking in sincerity towards God's laws in every way yet humans today actually dare to say that they are better then a biblical man named samuel in this life in righteousness. simply because samuel righteously ridded the world of deviant shit technically speaking.
regarding the works of deviants in samuel's day
regarding beings who mocked God's laws on all counts in this life in fact.
o my.
so, on that note addressed humanity, presently in this time frame of this existence should note in all practicality as well as sincerity that jeremiah 29; 13 aligns with psalm 1 for a reason.
o my. yes.
this is truth. o yes.
which is why, without appropriate sincerity applied by most humans to God in this life- ephesians 1; 4 or jude 1; 4 are written as well as applicable to mankind in this life..
most humans mock God's laws addressed in psalm 1 with smiles in their faces.
which, unfortunately, is why jeremiah 48; 10, matthew 24; 51, matthew 5; 17-20, deuteronomy 28: 58-59, psalm 50: 22, 1st corinthians 5: 5, psalm 149: 5-9, as well as romans 12; 1 are written for most of humanity in this life.
the preceding note was addressed for the sake of truth. unfortunately truth is harsh in this life. yet, truth is not really harsh.
or 'rather, truth does not have to be harsh in this life.
regarding imbeciles in this life who 'for no righteous reason, confuse the real ramifications of truth, in this life.
rebellious humans, who mock God's simple laws are the ones who are truly harsh.
albeit truth is not truly harsh, if a human is sincre to truth or righteousness in this life. or any life in fact.
try telling that to a rebellious two faced hypocritical deliberately idiotic human though.
chances are, a sincere being , who does that, will get no where.
absolutely no where in fact.
a sincere being who truly honors God's laws in this life, would have better luck trying to reason with a brick wall.
as jesus states in matthew 15; 1-14
thank you very much.
the preceding was addressed, just for the sake of appropriate record.
aw yes. in connection unto
mattthew 12: 37, luke 12: 1-3, jeremiah 29; 13-14, luke 6: 26, matthew 10: 14, john `12: 25, as well as psalm 37; 30-31, whole heartedly in fact. in truth.
judgment day approaches for all asswiping lying freaks in this life real soon.
o my. this is true.
in connection to jeremiah 23: 20.
or isiah 56: 1-7. or romans 2: 9-10.
for romans 11: 25 is only applied to the final generation of men in this life and even that lineage of hebrews do not, technically' match a saint.
in alignment to a connection of 2nd esdras 13, 2nd peter 3: 7 or romans 11: 25.
yet those hebrews are assigned that placement for a reason, regarding the works of all prior created mortals, in that which relates to prior created existences explained in detail upon this website- which israel's final prophet will relate in simple terms to humanity.
after c4q97 commences.
as i have said in a variety of places.
i am israel's second last major vaticinator. i fulfill c2q28.
i am not israel's final major vaticinator.
or so sayeth the facts of everything incorporeal, psychological or molecular, in this life. so, if facts matter, or if facts are relevent to truth then the words i presently express or scriven are correct.
entirely in fact.
in full.
and also, on the preceding subject addressed, when i say 'major,
that is what i mean. -major prophet. not minor. a major prophet may supercede a minor christian israeli prophets words at times in this life. due to various issues in this life. in connection to zechariah 13 or 14 or jonah -4 for example..
regarding this existence.
to the reader-
i now continue with further neccacary functions of this website. in full..

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